Monday, April 8, 2019

Easter crosses

I have showed you the Easter crosses that I will post (hopefully tomorrow) a tutorial on.
As per the request of a few people, this is what I used:

The ArtyCo crosses mold.
Black polymer clay - best is a soft clay, so preferably Premo or Cernit.

The new colors of Prima Marketing's Metallique line of waxes:

Blue Lagoon, Indian Pink, Electric Violet, Firebird, Heather Hills, Mint Sparkle,
Peacock, Old Denim and Sweet Rose

For the resin ones: For the white resin that the waxes go on, the Alumilite Amazing 10 minutes resin (all Prima Marketing waxes and media are pretty much made for that, as they're home decorating essentially) - the price on the link is for a two pack, select just the one pack.

For the transparent resin, I used UV resin, you can use the Magic Glos or the Chinese one, up to you.

Ice Resin Crystal Opal flakes or any of the Lumiere Lusters flakes. I personally prefer the Ice Resin ones.

Here is a photo of the crosses made with black clay and with the waxes on

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